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Visa Documentation

A visa is an authentic and approved travel document.

Our counsellors are here to help you with a list of documents required for you to furnish as per the country selected for studying abroad. Our counsellors will help you with mock visa interviews so that you are totally confident when appearing for the real deal without any anxiety.

What is a Visa

A visa is an authentic and approved travel document issued by a country for entry of a foreigner into their homeland. The visa is normally impressed or glued on to the passport of the bearer permits him to lawfully enter a foreign country. A visa can be of many types. To begin with, there is a tourist visa for somebody considering to visit a country for tourism, then there is a student visa for students contemplating to travel to a foreign country to seek education and then there are many other visa options which we will not divulge here due to its irrelevancy.

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Challenge of Getting A Student Visa

Acquiring a student visa is considerably challenging as a substantial portion of the documentation is required to be accurate in order to obtain one. Furthermore, every country has a distinct set of requirements making it necessary to use professional help to be well advised with the visa requirements of the country you want to study in. Flag Circle Overseas Education has extensive knowledge of the processes in the application for the student visa and can benefit your plan with the reassurance of completing the process with precision.

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Admission Letter

Once you receive your admission letter from the university of choice and manage your funds to study abroad, you can then apply for the student visa where the applicant’s primary objective of the visit to the country is the pursuit of education. While obtaining admission to the university is very important, these legal documents can prove quite a hurdle in the way of all your goals. Every country is overseen by its immigration laws and these can differ in terms of the claims of documents to the various proof of funds agreeable to the extent of the visas permitting you to do aside from studying in the country.


Every country is overseen by its immigration laws and these can differ in terms of the claims of documents to the various proof of funds agreeable to the extent of the visas permitting you to do aside from studying in the country.

Flag Circle Overseas Education has extensive knowledge of the processes in the application for the student visa and can benefit your plan with the reassurance of completing the process with precision.

What We Offer

Flag Circle Overseas Education offers our students with the guidance to properly arrange and procure documentations so that their visa is not rejected on the grounds of incomplete application. Our counsellors are here to help you with a list of documents required for you to furnish as per the country selected for studying abroad. Our counsellors will help you with mock visa interviews so that you are totally confident when appearing for the real deal without any anxiety.

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